Well it is proving to be one hot dry summer here in Colorado. The temperature here is 96 degrees with 8% humidity. When we walk outside we can feel the moisture being sucked from the pores of our skin. But, as we say here in Colorado, it's a dry heat.
Nancy took a spectacular sunset photograph the other day - one of the big advantages of having a dry, dusty atmosphere is that there can be some really
nice sunsets.
Sean and I have been taking our evening strolls 'comme d'habitude' along with Snowball our large white "unknown breed" dog. What is weird is that, the other day I spotted an exact twin for Snowball on the icanhascheezburger.com site;
Now we have to find out what sort of dog he is..
Nancy is in the midst of setting up a clicker training clinic here in Colorado. She is very excited about it and it promises to be a great clinic but it requires a lot of running around. If you are interested feel free to contact Nancy at this blog. The date is the weekend of August 9th - 10th.
We spent Saturday morning moving the step in posts and electric rope that we use to make temporary grazing for the horses. It is a great way of giving them some fresh areas to munch on but it is a real pain in the derriere to do it when the ground is baked hard. Fortunately, on Friday night we had a major thunderstorm. It bombarded us with marble size hail and thoroughly drenched the place so the ground was a lot softer than it has been.
Wow, it was hot and it was sort of humid for Colorado (there was actually moisture in the air...) and there were bugs... aaarrgghh. Well at least we "got 'er done". So now the little munchers have a new place to start in on.
A bit of a rambling post today. Been fun though.