An invasion of Prattage
Well the beat goes on.
Now that the new regime has started we needed to make a change in how Sean gets picked up by Doc and so we decided that it would be less expensive if we covered Doc's gas costs out to Byers to pick up Sean rather than try and have Nancy take Sean in to Aurora. Just one small thing – but it's just the rattle of the small stones before the avalanche begins.
We obtained a copy of the evaluation that was done for this – it was done last year at Denver Options in an interview with Nancy. It is probably superfluous to say that nancy had no idea what was going on and Denver Options did not explain it. We have to go to many meetings in a year at which many questions are asked and which we give answers to.
Why didn't the person doing the test give any background? Why was nothing mailed out to us? Why are we being kept in the dark?
I read this questionnaire briefly yesterday evening and one thing that struck me, right off the bat was the careful delineation regarding “time”. Such and such a thing has to be done : Monthly? Weekly? Daily? Hourly?
How about – something has to be done every day for a week but then doesn't need to be done for three months? How about sometimes it's every hour during the night, some nights we get to sleep for a whole 5 hours? Nothing in there for that of course.
Sean's seizures were noted as being a “1” - as in controlled and not a problem. What this ridiculous scale doesn't even begin to consider is HOW THAT IS BEING ACHIEVED!!
It is being achieved by diet, exercise and monitored fitness along with the medication. And yet this “plan” is proposing to hack down one of the pillars of how this is being achieved. Fitness and weight management.
I know that it probably seems that I am being over the top on this. But I ask you to consider this – at one point, about 6 years ago Sean was in crisis, he was suffering seizure storms – seizures that would go on and on, one after another, leaving him exhausted and us frantic. We have come a long long way since that time. Seizures like these are life threatening.
So now, thanks to some smart work by Rose Hospital doctors and some hard work by Doc and (dare I say it – us) we have a healthy and fit young man.
And all SIS can say is “well he does not need any support”???????????
Thank god these Prats were not around for the last 5 years.
It doesn't seem over the top at all. And, the rattle of the small stone isn't all that small. I calculated what it costs per month for Doc to drive to Buyers: at $13/day X 5 days/week X 4 weeks/month = $260. That's $3,120/year. Not a small stone at all.
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