The Sean Project

Sean is our 29 year old deafblind son and this is the ongoing story of Sean, what he does and how he interacts with us, our friends, our horses and our pets.


Sunday, April 09, 2006

Gone swimming

Sean loves to swim - last Friday evening Sean and nancy met up with me at Fitzsimmons pool in Aurora and Sean and I got to swim - I picked a picture that does not have me in it to spare the reader the truly awful view. But this is a great shot of Sean floating in the deep end - he really is a good swimmer.

We have a visitor..

Her name is "Vertical Horizon" (hey don't blame us - that's her registered name). we call her "V". She is a Tennessee Walking Horse - she is just over 16 hands and we all introduced ourselves yesterday. She is very friendly... Sean seems quite taken with her too.

She could be 'the' horse - the vet check is next Thursday and, if that goes well, she will become part of El Rancho Wenlock.

isn't she beautiful???

Monday, April 03, 2006

Having Horses.

Here's a photo from last year that shows how calm Sean is around the horses and how calm they are around him. Pretty soon with the weather improving, I'll be able to post some current photos too.

There is something about the experience of being out in the countryside with animals, for Sean. He is certainly happier and healthier and more in touch with his surroundings since we moved out here and since he began interacting regularly with the horses. Although he is not feeding them every day, he is helping me from time to time.

As for Dolly, Sean and I visited Dolly last week. She is a real sweety pie of a horse! Gosh she is a loveable horse and Sean and I would have no trouble riding her double! Provided we could climb up on her of course! I handed Sean the lead rope while we visited Dolly, and let him lead her around in an enclosed area. She did very well and so did Sean. He was not in the least worried. For right now though, Dolly is not quite as laid back as we would need for a " Sean Project" horse, but she may still work out at some point in the future. She was very curious about Sean and kept tipping her head around to take a closer look at him.

There's still no telling where this horse journey is going to lead us. It doesn't seem to be leading me to become any sort of horse trainer or horse professional. I lack the years of experience in order to do that safely. It would be fun to learn to drive, and have a cart or a wagon that Sean could help hitch to the horse and then ride in! But so far the wherewithall to do that hasn't swooped up the driveway. Perhaps I am expecting too much, or perhaps I am expecting too little. I haven't quite figured it out yet. But as long as we are here, we all have a daily treat to take care of and love our animals. It's just a wonderful experience that I wouldn't trade it for a million dollars!