The Sean Project

Sean is our 29 year old deafblind son and this is the ongoing story of Sean, what he does and how he interacts with us, our friends, our horses and our pets.


Thursday, July 09, 2009

How the State of Colorado is trying to hurt our son

Last night we went to a meeting at Denver Options.

Denver Options are the local agency that has been responsible for managing Sean's care for the last 15 years or so. The case workers who have been on the Sean watch have, uniformly, been wonderful people – last night we got to catch up with a few of them like Ann McNally who was watching out for Sean when he was “but a lad” through Julie Todd and up to the present “guy” Chris Barker. It was a bittersweet occasion.

Denver Options and its President, Dr Block were giving a presentation to clients, families and care givers about the changes that are currently being inflicted upon us all by the State of Colorado. Important to note – these changes are not being driven (ostensibly) by budget woes.

There were many things that were gone over and I will be writing about them in this blog as I get time. But there is a little vignette I wanted to share.

Both Nancy and I wished to be at the meeting – of necessity this meant that Sean would have to be there with us.

But Sean had other ideas! (LOL) he was not about to sit in some meeting.

Normally this would have meant that either I or Nancy would have had to have taken Sean home. Fortunately Doc was there and, as he had already seen the presentation etc he offered to take Sean out for walking and exercise.

So Nancy and I were able to attend.

Small thing – but only possible because of Sean's plan.

The plan that the State of Colorado is trying to ruin.

Oh one little thing from the meeting – in two weeks or so Denver Options has lost 50 caregivers who cannot do the job at the mandatory reimbursement rate that the new “regime” has mandated. How much are the apparatchiks of the state willing to offer contractors to work with our children?

$11 an hour !! That is self employment pay – not employee pay. Out of that $11 must come all the costs of self employment and insurance and so on. That makes the REAL reimbursement rate less than minimum wage!!!


That's how much the State of Colorado values services for our son.

Do I sound annoyed???


At 10:28 AM, Blogger Paulette Mahurin said...

"Not being driven by budget woes" I'm curious what's going on here? What a mess!


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