The Sean Project

Sean is our 29 year old deafblind son and this is the ongoing story of Sean, what he does and how he interacts with us, our friends, our horses and our pets.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Changes coming

First some pictures from the last couple of days as we gradually moved from being a slightly parched, semi-arid climate and ranch to a beach front property! It was a large and long storm.

Things are getting set to change - Denver Options just told the caregivers that work with them that their hours and their pay are about to be cut - heavily. I guess in the current climate we should nto be surprised and I realize that there is pain to be spread around and, in addition, Nancy Sean and I will cope - because we can but it did make me realize that there are a lot of things we leave out of this blog.

Our fears for Sean's future, the strain sometimes of dealing with an energetic and strong young man who has basically only two people that relate to him. Sometimes it can be unrelenting.

So look for the blog to change too - I am not sure it will be "better" but maybe it will be more of a window into our world.