Sunday, December 21, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Deep Freeze
from one of our local TV stations - 9News
"At 3 a.m. the official temperature at DIA was -18 degrees"
For our family and friends overseas that translates to -25.5 degrees Celsius, currently the windchill is around -36 degrees Celsius.
I could not start my little Toyota Celica this morning - which is why I have time to write in this blog! I am trying to unfreeze it but our only space heater is currently keeping the well line unfrozen...
When Durango arrived on Saturday Nancy put him in the West pasture - separate from the herdette until they get used to each other. This means that we had to have two water troughs and two water tank heaters. Unfortunately the heaters draw a lot of power and are both on the same external outlet so we have to alternate which one is turned on and while one is being heated it does not take long for the unheated one to freeze solid.
How does Sean take it? Pretty well actually. He is a very hardy lad, born and brought up in Denmark so he seems to do OK though he also seems to have inherited his Mom's propensity for cold hands and cold feet. He is wrapped up in his bed as I am typing and he is as warm as a little toasty thing.
One of the great things about Sean is how much he appreciates being comfortable. Last night Nancy heated up a couple of bed buddies to pre-warm the bed and I walked Sean into the bedroom and tucked him up in his bed and he just grinned and then chuckled. He was just as snug as a bug in a rug.
Meanwhile as the dawn comes up we have our truck in the west pasture as a windbreak for Durango, I just went out a few minutes ago to throw him some hay and to get yet one more appreciation for exactly cold it feels!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Our first real winter storm in the new place
Today has been coooollllddd. It was -1 degree Fahrenheit this morning - around -17 degrees celsius. There was a light snow, the wind from the north. Man it was freezing out there.
The water supply from our well froze. But thanks to some great advice from Howie the well guy we got it working.
Welcome to our new horse Durango!! Here he is yesterday in the sun and the warm.
and here he is this morning - in the snow...
and Nancy is in the weather feeding everyone else out there!