Saturday March 24th 2007
Mick here. Well it's a rainy day out here on the plains - good for the pasture and good for taking time to update the blog.
And there are some updates!!
Last weekend was extremely pleasant - so nice, in fact, that I could no longer put off cleaning out the horse shelter. This is the shelter that the three horses had been hyggling in (snuggling up in) since before Christmas. I am sure that the wise out there do not need me to paint an even more graphic picture. Suffice it to say that I think we could have filmed an episode of Hercules cleaning out the Augean stables..
I dragooned Sean into helping - I filled up the cart and Sean dragged it to the "pile". He was magnificent. The cart was heavy but Sean made short work of hauling it - for the first time in a long time I realized that Sean is one strong lad. He pulled it with one hand while touching me with his other for guidance. It takes a lot of strength to keep the cart upright and he had no problems with it. We hauled 12 or 13 cart loads from the shelter.
Nancy, of course, was out there with the camera and took a few snaps as we toiled.