Pontius Pilate comes to Colorado
I am not sure if I linked this on the blog but if not, here it is, and if I did, here it is again.
This is but one example of many. I linked to a more general report that showed that abuse of children, developmentally disabled children, happened around the country. When I find that link I will post it.
The point I am making is that warehousing the developmentally disabled in "group homes" with poor budgets and untrained people and no supervision is sentencing them to abuse. Pure and simple. It is like watching an apple fall from a tree - it falls downwards, it does not fall up or side ways. It is a fundamental FACT.
If you put vulnerable people into situations of no support, no money, untrained people and untrained or no supervision then abuse WILL HAPPEN.
The State of Colorado is currently trying to gut the support given to Sean. It is trying to pile more and more upon Nancy and my shoulders. At some point our shoulders will give out, we are both human, we are both of us getting older there is a point where we cannot continue to just do more and more.
The State of Colorado - in the persons of Sharon Jacksi, Governor Bill Ritter and EVERY person on the chain up to the federal level are abandoning Sean. If, truly, we are in a resource shortage then surely the RIGHT thing to do is to support those families that are caring for their dependents at home?
because, if those dependents go into state care - they are being condemned to abuse. No doubt about it. The Government reports prove it.
And trying to weasel out of this is like Pilate washing his hands. While crying crocodile tears about "not enough resources" those same officials are setting in motion the inevitable abuse of the very population they are supposed to be protecting.
The officials are claiming that there are not the resources - so what is the best possible use of those resources? Helping parents like us take care of our dependents. Christ almighty I may be a flawed person but one thing I can guarantee - that as long as Nancy and I are alive, Sean is going to be safe.
But if this program goes ahead what possible chances do we stand? What chance does Sean stand?
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