Today is Sean's Birthday
Today, November 16th, is Sean's birthday - he is 29 today!
29 years ago today at Hvidovre Hospital in Copenhagen, Sean was born. He was a skinny, long baby and he was whisked away to intensive care right after the birth. He was taken to Fuglebakken Children's hospital where he was to spend quite some time while they investigated his symptoms, waited for his heart rate to come down, oh, all so very many things. He had cataracts, he had a heart murmur. He looked so frail and he looked so at risk.
He has come a very long way since then. He and I were just out on a 5 mile walk, Sean is a fit man, ideal weight and good blood pressure, he is healthy and he even has perfect teeth.
Nancy and I have put a lot of work into making things that way. If I can, just this once and in public praise Nancy for her work with Sean - she has cared for him, fussed over him, worried about him and cried about him. She has gone to bat for him in so many locations, she has cleaned him, cleaned up after him and sat with him when he has been sick. In short she has loved the living bejesus out of him.
Between us we have ensured that his diet works, he eats healthy, he gets supplements just to be sure we don't miss anything, he exercises hours per day. It has taken a lot of work and a lot of people have helped.
Today has been a great day.
How beautiful! I cried reading this. You are such an incredible inspiration, and I am so grateful to know you, Nancy and Sean, and have you in my life. Thank you. Thank you for being the people that you are.
P.S. Nancy, I can only imagine . . .you are such a wonderful mom. You know I know that. I love you.
I must say that one is proud to live at the same planet as your family.
Anneli Christina Brandt
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