The Sean Project

Sean is our 29 year old deafblind son and this is the ongoing story of Sean, what he does and how he interacts with us, our friends, our horses and our pets.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

The horses and the new shelter

It has been months since I posted on this blog. Shame on me indeed. It has been a very busy period for us. We have been trying to build the horse shelter before winter sets in. Not easy to build a good horse shelter whne you are trying to do it on a shoe string budget like ours. We, of course, did not realize that Adams County Colorado requires a building permit for a horse shelter - we did not realize until a building inspector showed up one day to inform us of that wonderful news.

So we had to submit plans, pay for a permit (and the fee was doubled because we had already started work...) and allow our friends in the county to tell us what we would be allowed to do and what we would not be allowed to do. Fortunately it was not radically different from what we planned. But inconvenient of course..

So Nancy and I have been out there - we have been using material Nancy got from auctions and cast off lumber from a local lumber yard (I did mention shoestring budget did I not?) the one thing we are short on right now is the tin for the roof but we are hopeful...

There is a lot of hammering involved and I am finding that the strength I used to put such pride in during my youth has much diminished. My arms feel like Jello on occasion after driving some nails in - a couple of hours of work and ... phew...

But, bit by bit, we are getting it done. Nancy will post some pictures later today I hope.

IN the meantime - Hi-ho, Hi-ho its off to work I go..

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