The Sean Project

Sean is our 29 year old deafblind son and this is the ongoing story of Sean, what he does and how he interacts with us, our friends, our horses and our pets.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

The winds of winter approach

This week has seen our first snows at our new place. Last Monday, November 10th - our 30th wedding anniversary - we got between 6 and 8 inches of snow. The land really needed the moisture and Nancy and I got a romantic anniversary evening in front of a roaring fire with wine to toast each other!

Yesterday the snow came, accompanied by 40 mile and hour wind. For a while it was kind of exciting as I tried to leave for work. The first time I tried it was a white out so I crawled my way back while waiitng for daylight. Once daylight appeared I went out again only to find that I-70 had a sheet of ice on it that reduced my speed to a crawl. At that point I thought discretion to be the better part of valor and I called in to work and took the day off.

Sean is not a big fan of the cold. He is an even lesser fan of wind so we were stuck in the house yesterday and he did not get his customary exercises. Today looks to be much better and he and I will be out treading the trails.

The wind does blow out here on the plains and when it picks up speed from Wyoming and cold from Canada it can cut right through you. A sure sign of the coming of the winter for us.

But we do love it - our house is tight against draughts, we have a great fireplace and we have our Christmas planning to keep us looking forward.

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At 10:01 PM, Blogger HollyAZRN said...

Ahh, haa. So Sean doesn't like cold and wind either! I feel vindicated! LOL. Liking these things is not a requisite to toughenss . . . Sean is a rather tough person, afterall. So I no longer feel inferior in my response to the weather. LOL.

Glad you made it safely home, and that you had the sense to just go back. I-70 is treacherous on a good day!


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