The Sean Project

Sean is our 29 year old deafblind son and this is the ongoing story of Sean, what he does and how he interacts with us, our friends, our horses and our pets.


Friday, April 13, 2007

The sound of one boy laughing

Well it's Friday. Nancy is off to the Great Western Paso Fino Association General Meeting in Grand Junction and I have the day off so that I can get in some serious Sean hogging.

So I figured it was about time to get something up on the blog.

This is a little something about Sean - I have written about it before but I cannot remember whether I put it up here or not. Well if I did - oh well.

When Sean was very small - a few months old I guess - he was in his crib one evening and nancy was bending over him undoing the snaps on his baby clothes she ran her finger over his ribs - you know, as Moms do with their babies - and Sean, who had always had an enchanting grin, let out a shriek of laughter.

Nancy jumped up in the air in surprise. Sean lay there with a happy grin on his face and Nancy and I looked at each other in complete surprise. It was the first sound I ever remember him making.

Nancy , of course, could not resist trying again. Sean shrieked with laughter. He has the most amazing laugh.

The sound of Sean's laughter, music to the ears.


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