The Sean Project

Sean is our 29 year old deafblind son and this is the ongoing story of Sean, what he does and how he interacts with us, our friends, our horses and our pets.


Sunday, September 16, 2007

A new moggie and Sean

It may not be obvious from the photograph but there is a new moggie in the Wenlock household. In this picture she is perched on Sean's legs while Kokopelli (the Moggie-In-Residence) is off to the side with a semi-tolerant look on his face.

Her name is Giselle. She is about 7 weeks old and has been with us about 3 weeks - which, if you were good at maths in school would tell you that she came to us when she was 4 weeks old. Not the best time for a kitten to be weaned from her Mom but there was little choice. Nancy got a call three weeks ago from a 'friend' who told Nancy that she was on the way to school and that the 'friend' has found a kitten by one of her hay bales under a taupalin. She asked Nancy to go up to their property (it's up the road about a mile from us) and check on the kitten.

So Nancy does and she finds this little (and I mean little) kitten which is miserably curled up next to the hay bale, has an eye infection with gunk in it and is just woebegone. So Nancy does what I am sure anyone would do reading this - she takes the kitten to the vet's office (in Strasburg). The Vet's office did a great job, some antibiotic cream for the eye, some Kitten Milk Replacement for the kitten, some antibiotic something or other as well and this little cat was on the way up.

The 'friend' now shows her colors - whining about the vet bill ($69 - ("I am saving to go to Vegas") and the kitten itself.

I guess we have acquired a kitten. And a 'friend' turns out to be just a jerk. Oh well, we got the best end of the deal!

Sorry for being ratty. I (Mick) have a real thing about treating animals (and friends come to that) with respect. I also don't believe in passing on animals - once Giselle ended up with us, well she has a home and a family.

And, of course, she has settled right in and taken over hearts and minds all round.

Funnily enough she, like Kokopelli, has really taken to Sean. She is at that stage of attacking anything that moves, hands, toes, arms - anything. She jumps and pounces. She may be very small but her teeth and claws are a little sharp. Sean sits on the floor a lot which is why I think the cats like to play around and with him.

However Sean does not really like to play with the cats.

And here is the real kicker - no matter how much Giselle pounces on Sean's arms, or feet, or legs or hands, NEVER, not once, not ever has he done anything to hurt her. He just brushes her off or puts her down a couple of feet away. He doesn't get angry, he doesn't get pissed off - he is as gentle as can be.

It is a wonderful sight, I kid you not. This big guy (and Sean is a big man) gets attacked and attacked by this little kitten and he just gentlly moves her to one side - time and again.

See how lucky we are?


At 6:00 AM, Blogger Cathy said...

What a great story. It's amazing when you see a big man with a gentle touch.
I'd love to meet Sean.


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